Food Plot SeedArrow Pointing RightShake & Rake

Shake & Rake — For Deep Woods Attraction

Planting Time:  

All Zones: fall only

Seeding Rate:

4.5 lbs. plants 5000 Sq. Ft. (The Size of a Basketball Court)

Planting Depth:

1/8 inch  

Have the best hunting season ever with food plots right near your tree stand! Shake & Rake provides the best forage for deep woods attraction. By using minimal low-tech tillage and planting techniques, anyone can grow a food plot in small, shaded woodland areas.

Consisting of premium brassicas, hardy clovers and high sugar grasses, Shake & Rake will aggressively germinate and grow anywhere and in any condition while withstanding early grazing pressure. So simple, just throw and grow. Excellent for bow hunting! Deer love it!

  • Rough it up, shake it out, rake it in, watch it grow
  • Quick germination & fast growth anywhere
  • Grows well in shaded areas
  • Draws deer close in tight cover
  • The choice of serious bow hunters
  • Withstands heavy grazing pressure

Food Plot Seed Contents:

High sugar grasses, brassicas, clover seed

How to Buy?

Just reach out to Jerame at (620) 364-9126 by call or text, or just hit the button below and shoot us a message!

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