Food Plot SeedArrow Pointing RightBrassica Plus

Brassica Plus will provide sweet forage content after a period of frost, giving your deer herd a food source they can’t resist. Annual Ryegrass  provides early forage while giving the other species time to establish. This mix can be planted in the spring for high forage volume, but for higher quality forage plant in the fall.

Mix includes Hybrid Forage Brassica, Turnips, Rape Seed, Radish, and Annual Ryegrass.

Planting Dates:  May 1-June 1 or August

Planting Depth:  1/4″  (Broadcast and pack well)

Planting Rate:  7.25# per Acre

How to Buy?

Just reach out to Jerame at (620) 364-9126 by call or text, or just hit the button below and shoot us a message!

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