All Zones: fall only
1 lb. plants 1/4 acre
3 lbs plants 1/2 acres
25 lbs. plants 5 acres
1/8 to 1/4 inch
Massive quality forage production and high-sugar bulbs designed for peak attraction during hunting season, this select blend of brassicas, supply forage deer begin feeding on as soon as it sprouts.
Not only does this brassica mix produce high protein forage, it also produces big bulbs that deer love during the late season. Tecomate® Brassica Banquet grows well in northern and southern climates and is ideal for any size highly grazed plot. Great as a standalone but blends well with most any Tecomate® fall food plot.
Select forage and bulb producing brassica seed
Just reach out to Jerame at (620) 364-9126 by call or text, or just hit the button below and shoot us a message!
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